YSL Forever





Today I want to talk about the magnificent house of Yves Saint Laurent.
Every couple of months, during fashion week, I fall in love with a different label and designer. First it was Chloe, then Dior, Lanvin, Fendi etc. but after a while I move on to another.
However my obsession with YSL is forever. Not so much as obsession but fascination. I’m taken by the history, the power, the influence that the house of Yves Saint Laurent had on fashion.

Every piece, every collection, every little sketch and doodle drawn by Yves, Tom, Alber or Stefano should be treasured. Mostly the ones by Yves Saint Lauren himself, after all he is the man responsible for the Mondrian Dress and the Le Smoking.

The Le Smoking tuxedo could possibly be the most celebrated piece by YSL. It is a signature look and it portrays the style and the image of the house and the designer. The tuxedo describes a powerful, liberated woman who has just as much command and respect as the man standing next to her.

Yves once said “if I had to choose one design out of everything I have done, it would undoubtedly be Le Smoking”.

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